Radical Routes

Next gathering

The dates for the next gathering will be

16-18th August 2024

Venue: Three Hares Farm, Dundry Lane, Winford, Bristol BS40 8AW

You can contact Gathering group at: Gatherings@RadicalRoutes.org.uk with any queries (please don’t contact the venue itself).

Purpose of Gatherings

  • Radical Routes business – decision-making and discussion, reporting on work done and allocating tasks to do

  • Introduction to how RR works and how to participate in it

  • Keeping up with each other’s co-op news – meeting new members, helping with problems, celebrating achievements

  • Socialising, skill-sharing, inspiring each other – building relationships of trust so we can work together well

  • Meeting new people and spreading consciousness of radical co-operation as a tool for re-making our world.

Who can come?

Gatherings are open to everyone:

  • Delegates of member co-ops

  • Other co-op members, associates and friends who want to participate in the network

  • People from new or existing co-ops who are interested in joining

  • random other visitors or interested people.

What happens there?

  • Delegates of member co-ops need to attend business meetings on behalf of their co-ops

  • Anyone at a gathering can attend any meeting

  • There are workshops (consensus decision-making, facilitation, how to set up a workers co-op), trainings, discussions 

  • at a physical gathering, there are lots of things to do outside meetings: putting up and taking down marquees, hanging out, food prep, kids group, queer space, banner-making, etc.
    at online gatherings, we have space to socialise on Discord, training sessions (e.g. anti-racism, financial literacy) , cake-making, a quiz, board games,

  • New groups should attend the ‘New Groups’ meeting, and new people should attend the introductory sessions

Gatherings are usually quite intense, with lots of people trying to share a lot of information and make lots of decisions in a relatively small amount of time. If you particularly want to communicate with a specific person you don’t know, feel free to ask someone who knows what’s going on for help.


Use this link to register:- Register!

Registration deadline:- 5pm 5th August 2024 – we need numbers by then for catering purposes! 

Venue Information

Venue details: Three Hares Farm, Dundry Lane, Winford, Bristol BS40 8AW

What3Words:- firms.repay.reveal

Cycling:- If you’re cycling from Bristol city centre: To reach Dundry Hill (en route to Three Hares Farm), you may want to avoid Broadoak Hill, which is incredibly steep. Although you will need to cycle along the Bridgewater Road (A38) for a bit, the approach up Dundry Lane is less steep.

Train: From Bristol Temple Meads get the train to Parsons Street station (takes approx. 6 mins, these run every hour at 25 past the hour). Please let us know if you will be arriving at Parsons Street station so we can arrange a lift to the farm.

Coach: If you are arriving at Bristol Coach Station, you can then get the A1 Airport Flier / Falcon / U2 Unibus to Hobbs Lane (takes approx. 30 mins). Please let us know if you will be arriving at Hobbs Lane so we can arrange a lift to the farm (it’s a 45 minute walk along the road otherwise!)

By Car:- If you’re driving via Winford village: With the Prince of Waterloo pub on your left, take the first left onto Church Road, then the first left onto Dundry Lane. Drive for approximately half a mile then the road forks, take the left. You will see a sign for the farm there.

Accommodation:- Camping

Access:- If you are attending the gathering and unable to camp please state your needs on the registration form. You can also contact Gatherings and Access working group (gatherings@radicalroutes.org.uk) for more info as there is a fund to pay for B&B accommodation for those that need it for access reasons. Please let us know asap if you want to access this fund.

Toilets:- There will be four compost toilets. One will be wheelchair accessible with a ramp and no steps. There will also be straw bale urinals (stand up and sit down).

What to bring:- Everything you need to camp including a tent, sleeping bag, roll mat, towel, torch (and camping chair if you can)!
● Torch
● Boots/Wellies and wet weather gear
● Warm clothes and sun hats!
● Cash for cake stall and bar
● Songs/ Poems/ Instruments

Travel Information

Arrival Time:- Friday 16th from 2.30pm


IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU TELL US IF YOU ARE BRINGING CHILDREN. Please fill out information about children you or your coop are bringing when you register for the gathering on the google form and email kidsgroup@radicalroutes.org.uk .

Please register as early as possible so we can plan appropriate activities. We are very glad that you are bringing children to the gathering and we are looking forward to spending time with them. 

(The kids’ space is run by the Kids Working Group. We are a voluntary group of people who are members of co-ops within the network.)

We will be there for the kids while meetings are on but we ask that you come and supervise the children you are responsible for at lunch and dinner so we can eat too. Kids space does not continue into the evening. We will organise child-friendly food/snacks. Food & snacks will be kid friendly & vegan.

Please bring clothes for all weathers for your child as we will be mainly outside!

Kids Group Volunteer Recruitment Procedure

If you are interested in volunteering for Kids group please get in touch as early as possible via PUPA.Education@gmail.com Tarryn (Heartwell co-op) and kidsgroup@radicalroutes.org.uk


Friday 16th

Arrival time:- from 2.30pm

Saturday 17th 

9.00am: Breakfast

10.00am – 7pm:- Meetings and workshops. Lunch.

Sunday 18th 

9.00am: Breakfast

9.30am-2.30pm: Meetings and workshops. Lunch.


Three meals a day plus hot drinks will be provided, and all food will be vegan. It’s best for us if you pay for the whole weekend when you arrive (new groups and individuals who are not members of an RR co-op need to pay for food in advance, details will be emailed when registrations are received). Card payment for meals is hugely preferred please! If arriving Friday evening, it will be £20 for the weekend. Alternatively if you’re only having a couple of meals they can be paid for individually at £3/meal plus £2 for hot drinks. Kids eat free. If you have any special requirements ie. gluten free, nut free please state on the registration form.


There will be a bar , maybe a ceilidh, and Bristol DJs on Saturday night

NEW GRoups and People

If you’re new to Radical Routes (whether you’re a new member in an existing co-op or you’re a new co-op looking at Radical Routes), there is a series of workshops designed to introduce you to the workings of Radical Routes and Co-ops in general. They’re informative, exciting and essential! If you’re from a new group, it’s essential that you register your presence with Co-op Support Group by attending the New Groups meeting . This is so that they can confirm you have attended the gatherings as required, arrange joining visits and generally keep you on track.

Donations:- If you’re attending as a new group/non-member co-op/interested individual, we would be grateful for a donation if you can afford it, to help cover the costs of putting on a gathering – suggested donation from £15 to £60 per person. We don’t want this to be prohibitive and it is absolutely not compulsory if you’re not in a financial position to do so. There will be a cash collection tin on the Welcome Desk for this.


Dogs are fine to bring, as long as their poo is picked up

Other info

Please come and see us at the welcome desk if you can facilitate, co-facilitate or minute take for meetings or workshops – there will be a sign up sheet.

There will also be a sign up sheet for help needed in the kitchen, washing up rota etc

If you would like a buddy to help you navigate the gathering come and see us at the welcome desk. If it’s your first gathering it can be a lot to take in, but there’s a lot of friendly folk around who’ll be happy to help


Any other questions? Please email Gatherings@RadicalRoutes.org.uk